Monday, October 5, 2015

Potato Pancake (Gamjajeon)

a simple and humble snack for afternoon.
this korean potato pancake so good, crispy like hashbrown and soft inside like indonesia potato croquette.

Potato Pancake (Gamja Jeon)
adapted from koreanbapsang
¼ medium onion
350-450 gr potato
¼ tsp salt
Red & green pepper for garnish
Diping sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp vinegar
1 tbsp water
½ tsp sugar
Pinch of black pepper

1. Peel and grind the onion and potatoes together.
2. Drain the grated potato in a bowl lined with a strainer, reserving the liquid.
3. Let the reserved liquid sit for about 15 minutes. The starch in the liquid will sink to the bottom. Carefully pour out the water, saving the starch.
4.  Add the starch and salt to the grated potato. Mix well.
5. Heat a skillet with two tablespoons of oil over medium heat. spread 2 tbsp of batter evenly into a round shape. top with some red and green pepper  Reduce the heat to medium low, and cook until the bottom is light golden brown, about 2 minutes on each side. Repeat the process with the remaining batter. Serve hot with a dipping sauce.

Pancake Kentang ala Korea
¼ medium bawang bombay
350-450 gr kentang
¼ sdt garam
Paprika merah dan hijau untuk hiasan
Saus celupan
1 sdm kecap asin
1 sdt cuka / jeruk nipis
1 sdm air
½ sdt gula
Aduk semua hingga rata,sajikan di mangkuk kecil

Cara Membuat
1. Kupas dan giling kentang beserta bawang bombay hingga halus bisa di food processor atau grinder.
2. Saring kentang yang sudah halus dan tampung air saringan kentang tersebut.
3. Diamkan air saringan kentang tersebut selama kurang lebih 15 menit agar terbentuk pati kentang di dasar mangkuk
4. Buang air kentang yang sudah didiamkan tersebut dengan perlahan dan sisakan pati kentang yang di dasar mangkuk tersebut.
5. Campur pati kentang dengan adonan kentang tadi, jika terlalu lembek tambahkan 1 atau 2 sdm tepung maizena
6. Panaskan teflon, berikan 2sdm minyak, taruh 1 sdm adonan pancake pipihkan beri hiasan potongan paprika. goreng hingga kecoklatan pada kedua sisihnya. lanjutkan sampai adonan habis

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